Construction Timber

Construction timber is a type of wood used in the construction of buildings and other structures. It can be used in various forms, including beams, posts, boards, joists, and decking. It is commonly made from softwoods such as pine or spruce due to their availability in abundance and strength for bearing weight. Additionally, hardwoods such as oak and alder are sometimes used for their stability.

Chambers Timber have over 25 years of experience in construction

Construction timber has a number of advantages over other types of building materials. First and foremost, it is highly renewable since new trees are constantly being grown to replace those that have been harvested; it also absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while growing, helping reduce climate change.

On the structural side, it’s extremely strong when properly treated; its flexibility allows it to bend slightly under pressure while still providing support. Furthermore, it is cost-effective due to its low price and easy availability; this makes it an ideal choice for builders on a budget who need durable materials quickly.

When selecting construction timber, it’s important to consider both the species of tree used as well as its grade or size. Different types of wood come with different characteristics: some are more lightweight than others but can still provide enough strength for use in construction; some offer greater resistance against rot or insects; some may be better suited for outdoor applications due to their natural weather resistance properties. As far as grade goes, higher grades tend to produce better quality timber but also cost more upfront; lower grades may be cheaper initially but can cause problems later on if not properly treated for use outdoors or exposed to moisture regularly.

Lastly, proper storage and handling techniques should be employed when using construction timber; exposure to water can cause warping or splitting while improper stacking can result in broken pieces or even collapse! Quality lumber should always be kept off the ground and stored away from direct sunlight whenever possible; additionally, any boards with signs of decay should be removed right away before they spread further damage throughout the entire bundle.